Hi and Assalamualaikum :)
As what I have learned in class by the respective Madam Nurfarahin bt Roslan, there are huge differences between School and University. As we age, we learn and we grow because we don't just stay in the same phase.

In university, we structured our time by our own. We don't have teachers to manage our time anymore. Students tend to procrastinate by themselves which can lead to serious academic difficulties. Hence, it is vital for students to start building up their own strategies such as make a timetable.
As a student, we must know our main roles which are to study. We must balance our responsibilities such as attending classes and submitting assignments. No one can live your life except yourself because you are in charge of it.
You must always keep to date because once the lecturer has set the due date it is crucial to submit the assignments before the due date. Once you have missed the due date, your assignments will be rejected automatically and of course, it will endanger your carry marks.
Unlike school, you spend about 3-4 classes each day which means you spend not even half of the day in class. By all, that means that we need to study on our own because we have less time with the lecturer. So, if you have something that you personally don't understand in class you shouldn't just keep it to yourself but instead, you can arrange your time to meet the lecturer outside the class.
Most of the students in school especially for those who were studying in the government school have been provided by tons of textbooks which are to be borrowed. They don't need to spend a single cents for books. But, in university, you have to buy all the books for each subject by yourselves. Mostly, they cost you a bit but many students nowadays prefer to just buy them at their seniors with the half of price.
Based on the test, I found out that I actually a kinesthetic person which means the most effective study style for me is by doing physical activities such as doing a demonstration rather than sitting on a chair while hearing the lecture.
1) Attend all classes- This is the most essential part for students which is attending classes. Each word that comes from the lecturer's mouth is important because she/he might be the one who is making your test question. Besides, your attendance is mandatory because once you missed your class more than 3 times without reasonable excuses you shall not permit to enter the final examination for that semester.
2) Be an active learner- Students don't just limit themselves by just hearing and memorizing whatever that comes out from their lecturer. It helps students enjoy various learning styles by engaging with the material, collaborating their ideas with their classmates and analyzing an argument with each other.
3) Get to know your lecturers- The most basic in knowing our lecturers are by memorizing her/his name. As a human being, We feel more appreciated and respected when someone remembers our name. We feel more engaged in a conversation when actually someone knows our name.
4) Form study group- Studying in groups helps students learn more adequately. It helps to maintain concentration within each member of a group because students tend to daydream when they are alone. So, if they use studying in a group as their study platform, they can communicate with each other some topics that they don't understand clearly and contribute one to another success.
5) Stay up to date with your work- Students must keep themselves informed by any task that given by the lecturer especially when to submit it. When they are plugged into the due date, they will not procrastinate the work that given.
6) Be receptive to change- There are various study skills that we could apply in life as students. The more skills we know, the better we get. As an example, we can see how much our implementation by doing notes with some colors on.
7) Work Hard- When there's a hope, there's a will. Working hard is nothing but achieving something great for each semester which even contributes to the lifetime