*Source : Mr. Gooooogle :3*
// Bismillahirrahmanirrahim | Assalamualaikum

Hello ? Me again XD . Gila post kahhh ? *Hehe*
Melalut. Today was .. was .. was
Birthday ! Jyeah . Happy Old day gemokkk 

Oyeah . Nak akhir tahun baru 13 tahun . Sadlife . Ehh-ii . Biasalah , orang kata budak baru nak up . Lewls :p .
Okayy , nak present ? No budget . So , makanlah kek dekat atas tu . Makan puas-ii . Here's some speech for you . Use Google Translate if doesn't know what i mean . Ngeh . and , Mohon Terharu ehh >.<
Big Thanks for accompany me from my first month at Sg.Berth . If kau takde , i will be alone . Sorry for all my fault . Thanks to being my cute friend , my partner kena marah sebab bising , and my everthing
Then , nangis takk ? Heheh ~ Ayat meghapuu . Sume tunggang terbalik . Hahaaa :)
Nah , gambar boyfiee kau . Dia bagi aku semalam . Cuci mata tengok gambar ni , cuci sampai berkilat .Erkk --''

Duckface "eh , ko nak ape itik " -,-
Nah , gambar boyfiee kau . Dia bagi aku semalam . Cuci mata tengok gambar ni , cuci sampai berkilat .Erkk --''
Duckface "eh , ko nak ape itik " -,-
GTG ! Babai . Assalamualaikum 

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